What are some daily habits that can improve my intelligence?

What are some daily habits that can improve my intelligence? 

Brushing Teeth

1. Try brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand. This can challenge your brain to work harder and make new connections, keeping your mind sharp as you age.

Learn Languages

2. Learn five new words in a different language every day. Switching between languages requires concentration and focus, which can improve cognitive abilities.

Noun into Verbs

3. Turn nouns into verbs to sound more powerful and memorable. For example, “text” can be turned into “texted.”


Do this. This way For Example Text (Noun) -> Text (Verb):

  • Noun: I received a text from her.
  • Verb: She texted me yesterday.

Limit Screen Time

4. Limit your social media presence and screen time to 30 minutes per day. Excessive smartphone use can negatively impact cognitive performance.

Drinking Coffee

5. Try caffeinated drinks like tea or coffee to improve concentration, mood, and motivation.

Reciting Quran

6. Recite or listen to the Quran daily. Research suggests that this can improve verbal intelligence.

Reading News Paper

7. Read the headlines of an e-newspaper daily to increase world knowledge.

Play Sudoku

8. Play games like Sudoku and Scrabble to stimulate brain function.

Reading Aloud

9. Read aloud to improve memory retention.

Teach what you Learned

10. Teach others what you have learned to solidify your own understanding and improve communication skills.


  1. Great Tips if applied properly can do wonders

  2. Very Neatly presented beautiful illustrations

  3. Great work little Amber

  4. Hehehwhehhehehehehehehhehe yo wai mooooooooooo mooooooooooooooo


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