Learning from Failure

Learning from Failure

I recently had a conversation with my father about an inspiring story. We discussed Sal Khan and his determination to turn his online platform, Khan Academy, into a vast source of knowledge accessible to everyone. We explored the "life skills" section of the website, where my father shared a story about Sam, a student who thought he was a math genius after passing his first test with flying colors.

Sam overestimated his ability to pass the next exam without preparing, but he finally failed. Regrettably, I fell into the same trap.

Despite feeling confident as a competent student, I was disappointed to find out that I had failed my math test this week. This failure served as a wake-up call for me as I realized the importance of hard work and daily practice if I want to succeed in school…

Nature's laws apply to everyone, and even geniuses will fail if they get complacent.......


As Vince Lombardi said, 'The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.'"


  1. Nicely written Amber

  2. Don't worry; we all fall short at some point in life. After all, we are humans, and it's human to err. The good thing is you've learned and are trying to be better next time around, and that's important. Great post! Keep it up.

  3. Hmh what a failure 😮‍💨


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